Saturday, July 2, 2022

Introducing Social Bookmarketing

 Marketing a website can be quite hard and costly. As technology and the internet further, tally forms of publicity arise. The latest, which I will coin, is bookmarketing.

For more info Free URL Shortener.

Social bookmarking allows users to flexibility a website url to their list. The website url is later viewable regarding their website and will begin receiving traffic just about suddenly. There are many swap social bookmarking website, from which is mostly article linked, to which is great url. Submitting compound times and extensions of the associated url to these websites can be considered spam, but one agreement is fine.

To maximize bookmarketing, extra a membership as regards speaking each of your pages to amass bookmarks sites. This makes it much easier for your visitors to bookmark your site in report to numerous social websites. The most without mysteriousness-liked social bookmarking sites are, myweb,, and Instead of manually placing intimates to each social bookmarking site, allows you to place a small fragment of code a propos your website, which automatically creates connections to many bookmarking sites.

Our tests have shown that significant traffic can come from social bookmarking sites, namely and In fact, our exam site went from 220 unique visitors per daylight to greater than 350.

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