Monday, March 1, 2021

Online Job Search Techniques

 There'approaching many ways to conduct online job search. However, many job seekers only think of posting resumes and searching opportunities approaching big job sites behind,, and etc. There's nothing wrong once it, but according to a survey conducted by, of all hires in 2002, on your own 3.6% come from, 1.5% come, and 0.5% arrive from Morever, many companies by yourself advertise their job openings upon their own company websites and some subsidiary speciality websites. Wouldn't it be manageable if you can use search engines to locate these opportunities that are ignored by calculation job seekers?

Before we go any late late accretion of how to conduct online job search, I would gone to speak a little bit about Boolean Logic. If you are a math or a computer student, you may have already known it. Actually, it's unconditionally powerful, still handy in search engines. The later are some of the most popular Boolean operators, modifiers and pitch search commands.

AND: Collects documents that amassed every single one terms.

Google default operator.

Example: job AND nursing

OR: Collects documents that complement at least one of the terms.

Example: nurse OR rn

NOT Collects documents that count happening the term that precedes it but not the

term that follows it.

AltaVista: AND NOT; Google: - (e.g. -implement); All The Web: ANDNOT

Example: governor AND NOT sales

NEAR Collects documents gone both terms that are within stuffy proximity to

each added (usually 10 terms or less).

AltaVista ONLY. Useful for finding connections within a specific location.

Example: commissioner NEAR publicity

Quotation Marks "" Specify an precise phrase

Example: "SAS programmer"

Parenthesis () Define a search subset

Not used in Google

Example: (iowa OR ia) AND (bureaucrat OR director)

Wildcard Symbol * Matches any type and number of characters.

AltaVista ONLY.

Example: manag*

url: Look for keywords in the document URL.

Google: inurl

Example: url:position AND ibm

title: Look for keywords in the document title.

Google: intitle

Example: title:incline AND merk

For more info

colleague: Look for pages connected to a particular URL.


host: Scans a specific computer or host of a URL.


domain: Looks for pages within a specific domain subsequently .com, .org, .edu.

Example: AND nurse


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